Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kindergarten Art

I have had the Kindergarten class only 3 times this year as they have their class on Thursday and we have had several Thursdays off this year. We jumped right into art making on the first class after the expectations and rules had been stated. We looked at portraits, discussed how certain symbols drawn stand for facial features (think of a simple curve for a smile, or a triangle for a nose) and how artists draw more details in their faces. The students looked at themselves in mirrors and tried to draw what they saw. It is a process and we will re-visit portraits several times through the year. Our second class involved looking at concentric circles. We looked around the art room to find other concentric patterns and then the students drew out their patterns on a large sheet of paper and used watercolor paint to finish the piece. This project allows me to see the control of the material and the ability of the students to follow several directions. The next project tied into the study of John Chapman in Humanities. Each student had an apple, colored pencils and watercolor to create a study of an apple. The paintings will all be displayed in the Montessori hallways. 

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