Wednesday, September 26, 2018

7th and 8th Grade

We began the school year a bit differently this year starting our art education with a two class free choice project. The students could choose any material, subject matter or direction they wished to work on. The pieces offered me a quick overview of skills, interests and independent work strengths to build on throughout the trimester. We took a class to settle into our observational drawings of objects to build up to the Scholastic Art still life project. For my new families, every year our 7th and 8th grade students work for several weeks creating a work of art to enter into the annual Scholastic Art competition. While I am not an advocate for art competitions, this opportunity to enter Scholastics has proven to be a strong tool in building confidence and long term skills in the students. Each student creates their own still life to work from using personal objects or building their composition from my collection of objects. We have completed the transfer of information and several students are already adding color to their work. This is a long term project that will last through October.
Observational drawing

Acrylic painting

Watercolor painting

Various still life setups

Mixed media work

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