Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Ratner School Art Program

Thanks to everyone who attended the Gala last weekend and for all your wonderful support of our school and the art program. Your kind words, appreciation for the work your children create and the enthusiasm you share for the arts is greatly appreciated. We raised over 5,000.00 for the school Learning Garden through the sale of rain barrels alone! The students were so proud to be a part of the process and it is a great way to show them the important role art has in our lives. The greeting cards were a great success as well and the fund raising continues for the Maker Space. Please remember the deadline for all the personal orders is MAY 16th!  You can find the form at the end of this weeks blog post on the 7th and 8th grade page. I also have extra forms available in the front lobby if needed, or you are welcome to email me at if you need any help with your order. Thank you all for your continued support!

Even Ratner alumni helped sell the cards at the Gala! Thanks Nolan and Brent!

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