Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Ratner Montessori School Art Program 

Video Lessons

Just when I thought the weather was going to cooperate to get outside for some plein air paintings, we hit the monsoon season in Northeast Ohio. I have posted a few simple and colorful lessons for the students that should be enjoyable and uses materials easily found around the home. I appreciate everyone who has been encouraging your child to create at least one thing each day, when I say I could not do my job without you, I truly cannot now! Your support means so much to me and I am thankful that the creative arts are integral to the Ratner School education. 

Kindergarten Art 


Elementary I Art (1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade) 


Elementary II Art(4th,5th and 6th Grade)


7th and 8th Grade Art


Keep an eye out for #6 recycle code plastic for a fun project next week

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Ratner Montessori School Art Program


Just when I thought I was getting the hang of videotaping lessons and finding time in the bandwidth use in my house, I hit a snag. I apologize for the day late posting of the videos, I am still learning! I can't tell you all how much I enjoy seeing the photos and videos of your child creating and the amazing work they continue to do. I know art is important to the students, you are just so wonderful supporting the projects at home and I can not thank you enough.  
I wanted to let you know about an opportunity to participate in a statewide art display. The Ohio Department of Health will display any artwork created by students during the quarantine. It does not have to be health related.  I have attached the information below.

Kindergarten Art


Elementary I Art (1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade) 


Elementary II Art (4th, 5th and 6th Grade)

Pablo Picasso Drawings
Contour drawing by Picasso

Matisse and Contour Drawing - Art Teaching Portfolio

Contour drawing by Matisse 

7th and 8th Grade Art


Graphite drawing by Hector Gonzales
Graphite drawing by Adonna Khare

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Ratner Montessori School Art Program

Video Lessons

Welcome to week four of our remote art instruction! Thank you all for your steadfast support of the art curriculum in your child's day. I know you all have so much to juggle and I truly appreciate the number of photos, emails and videos of the work you and your child are creating.  I am glad you realize that while the projects are not mandatory work, you see the value in creative work. If for any reason at all you would rather NOT receive the weekly reminder of the blog posts, please let me know and I can easily remove you from the list. I post new lessons every Thursday. Thank you!

Kindergarten Art


Sketch of my Living room by Ms. Fields
EPPH | Matisse's Harmony in Red (1908)
"Harmony in Red" by Henri Matisse
The Bedroom by Vincent van Gogh
"The Bedroom" by Vincent Van Gogh

Elementary I Art (1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade)


Elementary II  Art(4th, 5th and 6th Grade)


"Window of the Poet" by Pyotr Konchalovsky

"Drawing through my stairwell window" by Ms.Fields
Marc Chagall : Paris through the window, 1913
"Paris through the Window" by Marc Chagall
The Human Condition, 1933 by Rene Magritte
"The Human Condition" by Rene Magritte

7th and 8th Grade 


My spinning top collection

Bathroom door knob

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Ratner Montessori School Art Program

Video Edition

Welcome to the next edition of the video adventure! Thanks to all the parents and students who have emailed me photos of the art your children are creating, I truly appreciate the effort! Again, please know that no art project is a required project, I just want to offer opportunities as needed! I know several of the students could not go a day without creating and do not need reminders to make art, I just love to get them thinking and seeing in different ways. While nothing can replace actual contact and instruction, I will continue to muddle through the videos as long as they are helpful (or at least entertaining!)
Thank you all.

Kindergarten Art


Toothpick and Marshmallow STEM Sculpture Lesson Plan: Sculpture ...

Elementary I (1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade)


Magical Land Art By Andy Goldsworthy | Bored Panda    Andy Goldsworthy | artnet

Elementary II (4th,5th and 6th Grade)


Giacometti art lesson :: sculpture project for kids - NurtureStore

Middle School Art (7th and 8th Grade)